Detox and Heal your Gut !

This is a multi-phased program that includes an elimination diet, where we remove the foods from the diet for a set period of time that tend to be the most common aggravators while doing the molecular work of detoxification and healing the gut. After mending the gut lining and replenishing and diversifying the microbiome, we then introduce each food category back into our diet one at a time to get a better understanding of what our body can and cannot tolerate and any further deeper work we must do.

Detox The Body
I offer science-based, easy-to-follow 10 and 28 day detoxification programs. These programs are designed to enhance the body’s natural detoxification process and provide nutritional support for metabolic detoxification, alkalinization & heavy metal metabolism.

Detoxification is a multi-phase process. Most toxins are fat-soluble and cannot be easily eliminated from the body. They must be transformed  into a more water-soluble form before they can be excreted. The process of transforming and eliminating toxins from the body consists of 3 main phases.

The nutraceutical formulas in these programs support the 3 phases of metabolic detoxification and the removal of toxins from the body. 

Signs you may benefit from detoxification 

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Mood swings

  • Irritability

  • Fatigue

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Waking up feeling unrefreshed

  • Live or work around environmental pollutants

  • Chemical sensitivity

  • Feeling bloated

  • Other gastrointestinal disturbances

This program offers comprehensive support, including a program guide, low allergy potential menu plans, recipes, a free blender cup and online tools. Online support options include a free webinar, additional recipes, FAQs, and daily motivational messages emailed to your inbox. I also offer ideas for home practices you can begin to support detoxification of the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Heal The Gut
The gut lining is one cell thick. That’s thin! Many of us have gut linings that speak to wear & tear caused from  years of stress, toxic burden, and consumption of certain compounds such as sugar, alcohol and gluten. While you are following the special menu plan that has taken potential irritants out of the diet we will include nutraceuticals to decrease inflammation, heal the gut lining and tend to our very important microbiome. 

“It is advised to do a detox & heal the gut program 1-2 times each year. Preferably in the Spring and Autumn”.

—Ancient physicians in the Ayurvedic and Chinese Medical systems

I find that pairing my detox program with acupuncture is of great benefit. Acupuncture can greatly assist the program with a few fantastic protocols specifically designed for detoxification and bringing the body into a parasympathetic nervous system state, where the magic of healing occurs. I recommend to some of my new Eastern Medicine clients to start our work together with the detox program so that we can clean the plate, so to speak and see what we’re really working with as far as a true presentation.

I think that everyone could benefit immensely by doing a yearly detox. And for those of us with some of the issues listed above, it can be a game changer. I’ve seen the wildest things. For example, knee pain going away after taking out peanuts from the diet. Who would have guessed? Or hard core sugar and caffeine lovers, excited about how they feel after the cleanse and choosing not to return to their vices. There is so much information to be gained and benefits to be had!


Qi-Licious: Relax & Restore


Soul Tending